Eating at a Japanese restaurant was a ritual we missed a lot during the pandemic. OSOM enters as a new player on food delivery services with a new way of understanding Japanese and nikkei cuisine. 

For this project, we developed a brand new concept, naming, a graphic design system, and food packaging that could bring the experience of eating out at a Japanese restaurant at home.

A Guide to Surreal Japan

For this project, we took Japanese contemporary culture as a reference. During the pandemic, we listened to Citypop music, read Japanese authors, and watched YouTube videos of people walking through Ginza district, the coolest neighbourhood in Tokyo.

As such, for the visual identity, we were inspired by the eclectic side of Japan and its city lights. As a team, we dreamt of travelling to this imaginary place. Elements such as plane tickets, airport flipboard fonts and a gradient palette made us daydream of what it would be like to eating out in the streets of Tokyo from home.

Directora de arte: Paloma Nieri
& Andrea Zorrilla Loo
Diseñadora: Belén Diaz
Redacción creativa: Kaori Hirakata
Fotografía: Cristina Hara
Cliente: Megabite
País: Perú
